Advent Cards Day 6: Goodbye for Now

Episode 6 December 06, 2024 00:05:36
Advent Cards Day 6: Goodbye for Now
Countdown to Christmas with Zach - An Advent Podcast for Kids
Advent Cards Day 6: Goodbye for Now

Dec 06 2024 | 00:05:36


Hosted By


Show Notes

Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story!

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Goodbye for Now

“I miss Emery so much,” said Taryn. She knew she’d see her sister again someday, but she still struggled to accept the fact that Emery had died. “Doesn’t God care that we hurt?” she asked, wiping tears from her eyes. “I know Emery is happy in heaven with Jesus, but I don’t see why He couldn’t just let her be happy here. Christmas is coming in a few weeks, but I don’t feel like celebrating without Emery.”

Dad gave Taryn a big hug. “I know,” he said, “but maybe the Christmas season is just what we need to help us remember that Jesus doesn’t ask us to suffer anything He hasn’t suffered Himself. After all, we celebrate Christmas because He was willing to leave heaven and come to earth so He could suffer and die for us. He really does understand our sorrow.”

“That’s true,” Mom said. “At Christmas, we rejoice that our Savior came into the world. He provides the way for our sins to be forgiven and for us to have eternal life with Him. So for us, Christmas is a joyful time. But when Jesus was born that first Christmas, it marked the beginning of His suffering on earth. In the years to come, He would face the same pain and difficulties we all experience in our lives, including the loss of people He loved.”

Dad nodded. “And then He experienced the greatest suffering of all–His crucifixion and death. He was spit on, beaten, and killed by the very people He’d come to save.”

“But why would He let them do that?” Taryn asked. “Why didn’t He stop them?”

“He could have,” Dad said, “but He knew we needed a Savior, so He willingly took the punishment for our sins. Because He did that, we can be saved and have eternal life. That’s why Emery is with Him today, and why we can look forward to seeing her again–because Jesus also rose from the dead, and we will too.”

Mom put her arm around Taryn. “This Christmas, let’s remember that Jesus understands the pain we feel as we miss Emery, and that He promises to be with us and help us through it.”

Taryn sniffed and nodded. “When I feel sad, I’ll remember that Jesus really does understand and care.”

So how about you?

Are you hurting because of something that’s happened in your life? Does it feel like nobody understands what you’re going through? Jesus does. He suffered and died so you could have eternal life with Him. He understands your pain and cares about you, and He wants to comfort you. Trust Him to be with you when you’re hurting and help you through every difficulty you face.

Key Verse

Isaiah 53:3 “He was despised and rejected—a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.”

Key Thought

Jesus understands and cares.

Further Reading

Isaiah 53:3-5

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